Hernia Specialist

20th Year Specializing Only in Hernias!
My Referrals don’t come from Friends or Doctors that I refer patients to, but from Strangers that work for Large Insurance Companies that only know about me because I produce GREAT results, Treat my Patients well, See them and Operate on them quickly, most times the day or two after Consultation.
There is NO CHARGE for consultations or office visits EVER!
I am known for spending TOO MUCH time with patients, and my explanations are detailed without pressures of time.
Surgery is a BIG DEAL, and MY patients are treated ALL the Same.
•Fast Recovery … Less Pain
•Return to Work 3 days Light Duty
•Return to Work 2 Weeks Full Duty
•Minimal Complications
•1% Recurrence
•1% Chronic Pain
•Affordable … Lower Costs
•All Inclusive
•No Charge Consultations